Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lessons Learned in Recovery

Hey homeschoolers! I'm back!!!

I had to take a short break to rock this summer with a complete hysterectomy, you know, because that sounded way more fun than the beautiful beach vacation we had planned!


Yeah, I know, right?!

Well, after finding this specialist to figure out what the hootie was going on inside me, he was pretty sure all my girl stuff needed to go.

And he was right. Big-time right!

I was a mess of cysts and scars and adhesions and endometriosis and a fibroid...Eeeeek! I was down to one ovary anyway, and he had to fight through all that junk to get to the one I had left. In that process, my left ureter was severed and emergency repair was needed, etc, etc...(you can read more about that here if you want: http://www.ourpassionatepursuit.com/2014/08/after-hysterectomy.html )

So fast forward to one month later and here I am! I'm back and better! Praise the Lord!!!

I already feel tons of relief from the chronic pain I was enduring daily. I'm so excited to be able to be back on top of my sweet household, especially our home learning.

My compassion has grown oodles for other mommas (and poppas) who suffer. It is so hard to get through daily life when you hurt and can't make your body do all it needs to do.

My children have definitely felt it this past year. I'm so thankful for all the years I stayed focused and didn't give up training them in big and small things. They have persevered and done what needed done in their schoolwork and around the house. Of course it wasn't perfect, nor was it just how mom does it, but they did it!

They did it!!!

As homeschooling parents, we shoot toward the goal of getting our little learners to independence. When family illnesses or emergencies or just hard times arise, we get a chance to see what is sticking and what is not in our children.

Some things surprised me about my boys through this process. I learned that two of them still need a lot of accountability for the subjects they don't like. 

I observed that one of them is well prepared for the discipline of college work and will make a wonderful husband. 

I saw how well they can work together and some areas of character upon which we need to concentrate.

I was once again reminded that academic learning is usually less important than many life skills and that teaching children to love and honor others will carry them further than algebra in this life.

I learned that my youngest is definitely entering puberty and can be obnoxious to his older brothers! 

I realized that my oldest two have matured in many ways and need me less than I thought.

I learned that all three torment each other as a favorite pastime, but that the laughter that brings is the closest thing to their toddler belly laughs I hear now.

I learned that no matter how messy they can be or how often they don't necessarily do exactly what they are told, they do love me and asked several times a day if I needed anything.

I saw that when they knew I was in pain, they knew the best and most powerful thing they could do is pray over me, even if they couldn't fix it.

I realized I learned all of that, not from running around my house cleaning things or checking off that we got seven subjects completed. 

I learned it by laying in the bed recovering...listening, watching...

I believe God took what could have been a rocky time, and instead, placed me under His wing, allowing me to rest, rejuvenate, and realign for this next year.

He has whispered to me and directed me concerning these three. He has helped me plan and know the steps to take.

Am I at peace? Yes.

Do I have moments of anxiety? Yes. 

Yes, I do...still after ten years of homeschooling and eighteen years of walking daily with Him, I still fight concerns. 

But, now I know that I can truly turn right around and cast those cares on the One who cares for me. He is right here with me, ready to help on any given day.

So here's to a new season...to new life, new health, new memories, and new opportunities to see Him strong when I am weak!

Happy Home Learning!