Monday, May 16, 2016

Graduation Party Prep Continues!

Grad party stuff threw up all over my living room!!! 

It was a whirlwind week getting ready for the big day, but it was all worth it.

Here are before photos of the venue. As soon as I can get the party pics edited, I'll post again. Everything turned out so well.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Spring Fever Outbreak!

Yikes friends! Spring fever has hit bad around here!

Anybody out there feeling it too???

What in the world causes this? Is it just the change in weather, with the sun peeking out and the trees waving their green leaves at us through the window?

Are we all just ready to get outside and breathe fresh air again?

Is this just a Midwest homeschool problem or is this an issue that spans all education models and geographical locations?

All I know is that this "fever" mixed with graduation party planning and a new driving permit and a new job and a vacation on the horizon has this homeschool house ready to hang up the backpacks and call it quits! Tee hee

Good thing we school year round so we get a lot of learning in :)

It's in these times that we have to do some life skills and unconventional learning to keep things moving along! Stay tuned to catch some glimpses of what that looks like for us.

For now, I'll leave you with some pics from our last co-op day when we dissected a fish and a frog. (Yep, still gross. I gagged all over again ya'll!)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Graduation #1 Party Prep Under Way

I cannot believe this time has arrived, but here we are! I'm deep in the midst of planning our first graduate's party!

The facility has been rented
Beautiful setting with plenty of space to play football! There will be fishing and his live band playing...his brother will DJ. Soda floats and smoked BBQ...a cookie bar! 


Invitations have been designed and mailed

Decorations are being made and banners are finished

The college has been selected. We've already been to orientation.

I can't believe this is really happening.

It seems like just yesterday

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Convention Season!

Spring has sprung, and I can smell...

books! Ha!

Tis the season for homeschool conventions!!!

I personally LOVE this time of year. I am that nerd homeschool mom that loves to browse through every aisle and look at all of it! I wish I could go to every session and listen to each speaker.

If you're not that kind of momma, that is TOTALLY fine! Don't feel condemned because you don't enjoy this process. We are all different.

I can absolutely see how someone could be easily overwhelmed at a convention because I have been myself!

We thankfully live in the age where we can do a lot of peaceful browsing at home as well. That's so helpful, but I do truly like getting my hands on all those physical books and being able to look at more than a few pages!

Some tips if going to a convention:
1. Wear comfy shoes!
2. Take some kind of cart with wheels. Yeah, they look silly, but they save your arms and back!
3. Walk through and look at every table once before you make a purchase. No, really.
4. Keep a small notebook with you to jot down things you want to come back to or that you want to look up more information about while you are at your hotel. Think this through.
5. Don't impulse buy...walk away and come back to it. Yes. Again. Believe me. You are going to want to get a lot because it all looks fantastic, but the truth is that you won't have time to do all of this in one year. 
6. Pray. Ask God to direct you to the resources that are best for your children.
7. Take a refillable water bottle and some snacks. Most conventions allow you to bring your own food, and it will save you money as well as be healthier than concession stand food.
8. Don't go with any whiners! Not whiny kids or whiny husbands or whiny friends! Make this a tradition for yourself that allows you to get away and enjoy the process. Take it slow and don't rush!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Springing Out of Tough Seasons

Like it or not, hard seasons befall us all. Trials are bound to happen, and our best-laid plans crumble into ashes. Day after day ticks on into the future. We wonder how time goes by so quickly when the days seem so long and exhausting!

Never would I have dreamed that it would be a year since I posted on this blog. That was never the plan. But, plans get made and get left behind. 

We all have seasons that don't go as we hope. We must learn to, as the saying goes, dance in the rain!

This past year has been one of busy, but intentional living and healing. It has been one of transition and rest at the same time. It was much needed for my soul.

I'm happy to say that I have remained flexible for the most part, bending with the winds of change and allowing God to direct my steps. It's always nice when you see spiritual maturity in yourself, amen?

As I enter this new spring and plan the graduation and 18th birthday of my oldest son, I'm so thankful for even the wind and waves...for the storms and trials of this life. They have made me who I am and refined me by holy fire.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have hope of time to express "me" again! I have the desire to encourage others in their journey and difficult seasons. I'm coming back :)

God be with you in your tough seasons, and I pray this is a time that you are springing back and finding joy in new blooms of your life.

Happy Spring!