Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why do we do it?

"To educate a man in mind and not in morals, is to educate a menace to society."
Theodore Roosevelt

I read this and I know we are doing what we are supposed to be doing!
We educate our sons not only for their minds but that their hearts are trained too! We want them to not just KNOW for the sake of knowledge, but be convicted in their hearts that, "To love the Lord their God with all their hearts, mind, soul, and strength and love their neighbors as themselves," is the most important thing.
Having raised sons with nice diplomas on the wall or large bank accounts would be nice, especially in today's society. These things are secondary to having raised men of integrity, passionate about following the Lord and His will for their lives. What Mindy has done is more than a sacrifice, it is a calling. I am so thankful God chose her to be my wife!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Weakness=His Strength

My favorite part of our homeschooling day is when we read aloud together. Sometimes I read. Sometimes they read. Sometimes we all take turns.
I like to get books on the Kindle that we can all download on our separate devices so we can follow along together.
Reading as a family just has a way of uniting us in a busy and often chaotic schedule. I love that the boys grab a blanket and still fight over who gets to lay by me while we read!
I love the discussions that spring out of our reading. Lively and funny, or serious and heart-wrenching, I get to hear the thoughts of my sons' minds.
I believe there is a moment nearly every single day that I stop and look at them and think, "God, thank you so much for allowing me to have spent so many precious moments with them."
I have no regrets and it is a blessed feeling. No regrets of not having a second income. No regrets of losing time for myself. No regrets of a corporate career.
I KNOW that I am doing exactly what God has called ME to do at this time, and I thank Him so much for anointing me to do it, even when I feel like I'm failing.
In my weakness, He is strong.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

So Studious

My little cutie working on some Apologia General Science!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Getting Back in Gear

Well, it's almost here! School will be back in session starting Monday.
I've been sick for the last week, and I have to admit that at I am not ready to start up again yet. I think I am ready for some normal routine, but for the whole daily grind? Nahhh
It's okay. We have been doing this for ten years now, and I am well aquainted with the after-Christmas blah. We've been sleeping in and eating junkier...
Then comes January.
January is the time for fresh beginnings. The time for goals and dreams. The time for evaluation and tweaking.
Whenever I feel myself less than motivated in an area, I make a purposeful choice to build myself up in that area. Whether it's marriage, my walk with Jesus, exercising, consistent parenting, or homeschooling, I choose to act! I read books or blogs, watch or listen to teaching, or chat with a friend and get excited again!
I was definitely feeling it this weekend and knew I had to do something so I read a book about simplifying our homeschool hours. A lot of the suggestions I had heard before, but some are new. Overall, it reminded me why we are doing this and that I need to relax more.
You would think after ten years this would be old hat to me, but I still face challenges and lulls and question whether I'm failing at this.
I want the worry to be gone. I want to trust that God will fully lead me in exactly what to do for each child. It's like I can't quite let go and ease up on their day!
I'm still praying about what to do differently. It's so easy to just get stuck on the hamster wheel and live each day checking off the to-do box. That can't be all we are created for. We must find our passion to learn what we are meant to study!

Friday, January 3, 2014


Welcome to my new blog about our journey in home learning!  Please be patient as things are under construction :)