Monday, March 3, 2014

Daily School Schedule

Well...last week didn't go too hot around here so over the weekend, I threw together a schedule for my two younger guys.

I kept waiting and hoping that they were mature enough to help themselves to a daily routine that worked well for them, but it just wasn't happening. They are very different from their big brother!

I wasn't sure what response I would get, but they actually seemed more confident as they were checking off assignments!

Here is a picture of the schedule, though like I told the boys, I'm not so concerned about them keeping to these exact times as much as I want them to stay in this pattern of routine so everything is getting accomplished. I also wanted them to see that they can be finished by 3 with no problem if they set themselves to do so.

Most of their assignments won't take as much time as I've alloted. I instructed them to keep moving down their list or work ahead in that subject.

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