Thursday, February 27, 2014

Planner Idea

Alright...I admit it...I'm one of those homeschool moms.

The kind that tries not to be ruled by the planner, but inevitably fails.

I hate messy planners.  I like neat, planned boxes.

I stopped writing in ink in them about four years ago I think.  I only write in pencil now and then I erase and rewrite and erase and rewrite and erase... okay, you get it.

C'mon!  I know I'm not alone.  I know you're out there!

I tried this year to draw a line through what got off schedule.  ACK! I let it go for a while, but then last Sunday, I sat and erased it all and rewrote everything in the right place!

I have no stinking idea why this is an issue for me.  For those of you who don't get it, I totally wish I could explain it to you, and I admire your lines and x's and whatever else you do to just mark it out and move on!  I really do!

I'm so over that feeling of not wanting a day to be messed up by adding in a play date or project day or field trip...blah, blah, blah.

I thought I had remedied the situation this year by finding a planner that was undated.  It has great-size boxes to write in with the places to list each subject across the top and bubbles to mark the day you do that lesson on down the left side.

I do like the planner a lot, but it sill didn't work like I hoped.

I have already started buying our curriculum for next year, as it helps to do so a little at a time instead of rushing in July!  (That only took me 9 years to do!)  As I was perusing one of the books that arrived the other day, I had a thought:  what if I just make a list of the lessons for each subject and then number my next planner to 180 days.  When we do a lesson, I will then write it into the planner (maybe even in ink! haha) and just mark through it on the list of lessons sheet with a highlighter.  That way, if we want to do a project for history one day and only get math and grammar done, I can just add what we do!  

Ingenious right???  !!!

I know, I know...there is some momma out there laughing at me right now and saying, "Well, hello Einstein, I've been doing it like that forever!"  But, you know, for us slow turtles, hey it's a new idea that may help us stay off medication for our obsessionism about our neat planners! (wink, wink)

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