Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Little Cottage School

Fall was fully upon us! One day we were enjoying the beautifully changing leaves, and the next day, we were covered in snow! Next week is Thanksgiving! It's crazy how fast this year has flown. It seems like I was just lying in bed, recovering from surgery, and planning the school year. Now, here we are in the thick of cold weather and lessons!

 As I type this, I am sitting at my oldest son's cottage school. I have had many people ask me what a cottage school is so I thought I would share about it. I'm sure cottage schools range in differences as much as other types of schools do, so I will describe what ours is like.

Every Tuesday, we have a group of students who meet at a local church and take classes from paid tutors. The class sizes are small, and each student's parents pay a fee for the 1.5 hours of instruction. 

The tutor/instructor/facilitator/teacher (whatever you would like to call him/her) goes over the new material, leads class projects, discussions, or presentations, and assigns homework for the rest of the week.

Last year, Garrison (my oldest son, a junior now) took chemistry and an integrated three-hour-block class based on David Quine's Cornerstone Tutorials. This class was a doozy, worth nine credits because it covered so many subjects. It was quite a learning curve for our whole family, but that's another story for another day! This year, Garrison is taking government (from a lawyer!) first semester and civics and economics second semester.

The way our school works: There are five periods in a day, beginning at 9 A.M. and ending at 5 P.M. Parents sign their students up for the classes they will take and there is a study hall room students can utilize if they have periods when they don't have classes.

I truly appreciate the excellence with which our school is run. There is a board who makes all decisions and implements all policies. There is a contractual agreement that all students and parents sign to ensure we are operating on the same page with the same expectations.

We do have a dress code which I also like. We are trying to set a standard of professionalism in the students...you know, train in all areas of life. There is such an "I don't care" attitude in this age among young people.

Moving on to the class instruction itself, I will use my son's government class for an example. As I said, this class is taught by a lawyer. The school searches to find tutors with solid credentials for our classes. He is such a wonderful man, full of excitement and joy about young people and the difference they can make in their world!

My son arrives for class just before 10:30 on Tuesday mornings. He signs himself into the sign-in table where a volunteer sits to welcome parents and students and keep an eye on who comes in the church building.

After signing in for the day, Garrison walks to his classroom, chooses his own seat around a long set of tables. The teacher arrives and they begin to discuss material that was read over the previous week. They move on to any presentations or activities. 

I really love how this teacher facilitates discussion in his class! He challenges his students by firing questions at them from the opposing point of view. It's great training in logical thinking.

My son's class ends at noon. He likes to stay for the lunch period to visit with friends. That is the only class he has that worked for our curriculum plan and needs for this semester. 

All in all, I just can't share enough praise about our little cottage school. It has been a blessing to our family and provided connections into the homeschool community. Out of this, we found our speech and debate club!

My other two sons are part of a homeschool co-op. I'll tell you more about that and the differences between these two schooling options next time. 

Take care!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

You Won't Mess Them Up!

How's everyone's year starting out?  

I was struck in the heart at my last homeschool mom's meeting. One of our group members brought a friend who was new to homeshooling.

Bless her heart, this sweet lady was a beautiful mess.  She was crying and questioning whether she was going to fail or mess up her daughter.  I said, "Hold on!  Any of you who have ever felt like that, please raise your hand."  Of course, every hand in the room flew up in the air!  

We've all been there haven't we?  I'm eleven years into this journey and would be a big ole liar if I said I didn't still wrestle with those kinds of thoughts.

If you are out there reading this in blog world and you are feeling these things, I just want to tell you that you are ok.

Did you get that and let it sink in???  


At that meeting, my friend Anne shared this with the new homeschooling momma:  "You know, the Lord is teaching me that I don't have the power to ruin my kids."

That struck me and has stuck with me ever since!

Seriously, think about that.  As Christians, we give our children to the Lord.  We fully recognize that apart from Christ we can do nothing!  We say, "You want me to WHAT?  You want me to homeschool my kids?!?!"  

We then move to, "Okay, well if you want me to do this, you better help me because I don't have a clue!"  

We usually make our plans and fumble for a bit, and then we get more humble and really cry out, "Father, help me!  I mean really help me because I don't know how to do this, and I think I might mess up my kids!"

If we can keep going, push past that stinkin' thinkin', and realize that when we invite God in and give it to Him, we no longer have the power to screw up our kiddos!  Nope, it's arrogant to think that way.  We've given them to the Father.  HE will be faithful to complete the good works He begins.

We don't have to fear!  GOD did not give us a spirit of fear!  It's not from Him!

Now sure, it will look different than the school system, but that's okay!  He had you teach them at home for a reason.  It's not supposed to look like traditional school.

I know that terrifies those of us who have been in the system for so long, but there is more than one way to do things.  Seek God for YOUR FAMILY.  

Don't worry about looking like someone else or telling others how they need to do things like you.  You shouldn't even have time for that if you are seeking the Lord for your family.

Relax and believe that if He called you to it, He absolutely will equip you to do it.  Then, walk forward in His strength and boldness!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Year Eleven!

Another year is underway friends!

That's right, Year #11 has begun!

We are three weeks in and things are going great!  

I was a bit apprehensive at first.  Of course, after just having surgery, I wasn't sure what I was ready to handle, but we also made quite a few changes in curriculum and activities.

I can say I am very tired right now!  However, I have so much peace that we are where we need to be, using what we need to use, and resting in knowing God is leading this ship!

Alex and Trey have started at a new co-op with amazing kids and like-minded mommas teaching various classes.  I get to teach Health and Introduction to Logic for high school credit!  I'm having a blast!

Garrison is taking one class at the same cottage school he was at last year.  All three boys are in a speech and debate club now.  We will travel some with that, but the families who were in it last year can't say enough about how fun it all is!

It's nice to feel like we are finally connecting in this community. We moved here in 2008 and it was our hardest move and felt like we may never find a network of people.

I'm thankful for the opportunities that lay before us this year.  I know it will stretch and grow each of us, but it will be a good, peaceful, and joy-filled process!

Garrison is 16 and technically a junior.  He will finish all of his high school credits this year though, so we aren't sure what next year will look like!  Alexander and Trey are in eighth grade.

Time sure has passed quickly.  Seems like just yesterday I was thinking, "Okay.  I can do this.  I can homeschool.  I can teach first grade.  How hard can that be?"

Now, here we are!  Eleven years later...and I know how hard teaching first grade can be!  And second and third and sixth and...

BUT!!!!!  I also now know how rewarding all those hard times can be and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lessons Learned in Recovery

Hey homeschoolers! I'm back!!!

I had to take a short break to rock this summer with a complete hysterectomy, you know, because that sounded way more fun than the beautiful beach vacation we had planned!


Yeah, I know, right?!

Well, after finding this specialist to figure out what the hootie was going on inside me, he was pretty sure all my girl stuff needed to go.

And he was right. Big-time right!

I was a mess of cysts and scars and adhesions and endometriosis and a fibroid...Eeeeek! I was down to one ovary anyway, and he had to fight through all that junk to get to the one I had left. In that process, my left ureter was severed and emergency repair was needed, etc, etc...(you can read more about that here if you want: http://www.ourpassionatepursuit.com/2014/08/after-hysterectomy.html )

So fast forward to one month later and here I am! I'm back and better! Praise the Lord!!!

I already feel tons of relief from the chronic pain I was enduring daily. I'm so excited to be able to be back on top of my sweet household, especially our home learning.

My compassion has grown oodles for other mommas (and poppas) who suffer. It is so hard to get through daily life when you hurt and can't make your body do all it needs to do.

My children have definitely felt it this past year. I'm so thankful for all the years I stayed focused and didn't give up training them in big and small things. They have persevered and done what needed done in their schoolwork and around the house. Of course it wasn't perfect, nor was it just how mom does it, but they did it!

They did it!!!

As homeschooling parents, we shoot toward the goal of getting our little learners to independence. When family illnesses or emergencies or just hard times arise, we get a chance to see what is sticking and what is not in our children.

Some things surprised me about my boys through this process. I learned that two of them still need a lot of accountability for the subjects they don't like. 

I observed that one of them is well prepared for the discipline of college work and will make a wonderful husband. 

I saw how well they can work together and some areas of character upon which we need to concentrate.

I was once again reminded that academic learning is usually less important than many life skills and that teaching children to love and honor others will carry them further than algebra in this life.

I learned that my youngest is definitely entering puberty and can be obnoxious to his older brothers! 

I realized that my oldest two have matured in many ways and need me less than I thought.

I learned that all three torment each other as a favorite pastime, but that the laughter that brings is the closest thing to their toddler belly laughs I hear now.

I learned that no matter how messy they can be or how often they don't necessarily do exactly what they are told, they do love me and asked several times a day if I needed anything.

I saw that when they knew I was in pain, they knew the best and most powerful thing they could do is pray over me, even if they couldn't fix it.

I realized I learned all of that, not from running around my house cleaning things or checking off that we got seven subjects completed. 

I learned it by laying in the bed recovering...listening, watching...

I believe God took what could have been a rocky time, and instead, placed me under His wing, allowing me to rest, rejuvenate, and realign for this next year.

He has whispered to me and directed me concerning these three. He has helped me plan and know the steps to take.

Am I at peace? Yes.

Do I have moments of anxiety? Yes. 

Yes, I do...still after ten years of homeschooling and eighteen years of walking daily with Him, I still fight concerns. 

But, now I know that I can truly turn right around and cast those cares on the One who cares for me. He is right here with me, ready to help on any given day.

So here's to a new season...to new life, new health, new memories, and new opportunities to see Him strong when I am weak!

Happy Home Learning!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Help! I Don't Know What to Use!

It's that time of year!  

You know...the time when you are trying to narrow down all the curriculum choices for the upcoming year!  

It's funny to me how some years I narrowed it down so quickly and the process seemed effortless.  Other years, oh my, I agonized, cried, prayed for days, drove my husband crazy, and lamented that I must be failing us all!

This coming fall, 2014, we will begin our 11th year of homeschooling.  Sometimes it seems like it has crawled by like an elderly turtle and other times it feels like I blinked and a year of life was somehow just gone.

Like everything else, homeschooling has seasons.  I would love to say that after this many years I can anticipate season changes, but I'm still not sure honestly.  Perhaps by the time I graduate all three boys, I will be able to offer some mommas behind me a little more insight. For now, I only know that there are times when you feel sure of things and times when you feel like its all falling apart!

I just encourage you to stay the course and remember that it is in your weakness that Christ is made strong.  You become less and He becomes more.  He will meet you where you are, and He will speak to you if you seek Him.  Sometimes it is in the midnight hour, but He will be there.  He always comes through somehow, some way. He promises to give wisdom to His children who ask Him for it...and to give it liberally!

There have been years that God led me to certain resources that seemed so strange or wrong for us or a particular child.  As I look back now, though, I see the beautiful tapestry God was weaving and it all makes sense. 

Rest.  Trust.  Listen.  Follow.  Believe.

He is working it all out, and He hasn't left you alone. Never, ever forget that He loves your babies more than you do!

Happy Shopping!

Here's a snapshot of some of my HS Momma friends after a day at a homeschool convention. Hang in there sweet mommas! We can do this! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Glimpse of Days Gone By

It's kind-of sad when your little boys start transitioning from toys to electronics and sports and other things big guys enjoy more than action figures! But, every now and again, they pick up something that looks like a toy and you get little flashbacks in your mind as a momma.

That happened for me this weekend. Tom ordered a circuit set to teach Trey some things, as he is interested in maybe becoming an electrical or mechanical engineer someday.

Watching the two of them together just made me happy so I snapped some quick pics...which you moms know they never seem to understand the reason for, but we know it so we can treasure up those moments! (I even caught Alex with it later!)

Life Together

Our last move 5.5 years ago was our hardest. I don't know if it was because the boys were getting older and play dates were not as easy to find or what, but making good friends has been tricky. I've made some good momma friends, but sometimes ages/levels/genders of the kids don't mesh well. There are all kinds of dynamics, and you can know a lot of people but still not have that "click" for a good friendship.

I had many people praying last year for a breakthrough in this area for my boys, as they have felt so lonely. Finally, they are making some good, local friendships!

So thankful! Life is better when we do it together.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Blessed Are the Flexible

I am so happy to share that the new schedule has helped unbelievably!  

Both younger boys have stayed on task last week and this week! 

Wait...are you clapping?  I think I hear applause from all the fellow frustrated mommas out there!  (wink)

This can sure be a challenging journey, can't it?  What works for one child doesn't work for another.  The one curriculum you buy doesn't click in the mind of the next kiddo.  As soon as you think you have a routine that brings a good daily flow, something unexpected hits and throws everything out of whack!

Memorize this saying: Blessed are the flexible, for they don't get bent out of shape!

The best advice I could give about homeschooling is to remain flexible.

Realize that God says to train up a child in the way HE should go.  It doesn't say to train up a child in the way they should go.

It just happened this time that this particular attempt at a schedule has helped both boys, but I was already thinking in my mind that I needed to be ready to change it up for one of them if it didn't quite work.  I was keeping myself flexible!

The flexibility did come in this week when I saw how tired they were though.  We had some decent weather that allowed them to play outside and it wore them out.  The beauty of home learning is that you can also teach them how to take care of their whole self.

Learning to prioritize and take care of yourself emotionally and physically is just as important as learning academic subjects!  We don't have to jump up and rush off in the mornings so if I see a boy in puberty who I know will benefit from 10 hours of sleep and be more productive later, I'm going to let him sleep!

I had to be flexible and let the exact time to the minute go.  For me, I have done this gig long enough to think about that before I made the schedule, but for the benefit of those who don't know that yet, I wanted to share.  

The exact time isn't really the issue as much as being able to manage the time you do have and the tasks you have to do.  I am teaching my sons how life happens.  Some days you are just more tired than others and if you can rest, then do so!  Take care of yourself so you can be the best you possible.  But always rearrange things as you need to in order to meet your responsibilities.

I am also blessed to see the confidence both of my boys gained through implementing this new schedule.  They realized they can be as productive as their big brother when they want to be, and this was important for them.  They watch him and they see him be rewarded for his honor and responsibility.  They needed to see that they have the same opportunities and that we believe in them!

So stay flexible and keep trying new ideas.  Some will work.  Some will bomb.  But, eventually, you will find your groove and you will reap the precious fruit of a determined family!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Daily School Schedule

Well...last week didn't go too hot around here so over the weekend, I threw together a schedule for my two younger guys.

I kept waiting and hoping that they were mature enough to help themselves to a daily routine that worked well for them, but it just wasn't happening. They are very different from their big brother!

I wasn't sure what response I would get, but they actually seemed more confident as they were checking off assignments!

Here is a picture of the schedule, though like I told the boys, I'm not so concerned about them keeping to these exact times as much as I want them to stay in this pattern of routine so everything is getting accomplished. I also wanted them to see that they can be finished by 3 with no problem if they set themselves to do so.

Most of their assignments won't take as much time as I've alloted. I instructed them to keep moving down their list or work ahead in that subject.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Planner Idea

Alright...I admit it...I'm one of those homeschool moms.

The kind that tries not to be ruled by the planner, but inevitably fails.

I hate messy planners.  I like neat, planned boxes.

I stopped writing in ink in them about four years ago I think.  I only write in pencil now and then I erase and rewrite and erase and rewrite and erase... okay, you get it.

C'mon!  I know I'm not alone.  I know you're out there!

I tried this year to draw a line through what got off schedule.  ACK! I let it go for a while, but then last Sunday, I sat and erased it all and rewrote everything in the right place!

I have no stinking idea why this is an issue for me.  For those of you who don't get it, I totally wish I could explain it to you, and I admire your lines and x's and whatever else you do to just mark it out and move on!  I really do!

I'm so over that feeling of not wanting a day to be messed up by adding in a play date or project day or field trip...blah, blah, blah.

I thought I had remedied the situation this year by finding a planner that was undated.  It has great-size boxes to write in with the places to list each subject across the top and bubbles to mark the day you do that lesson on down the left side.

I do like the planner a lot, but it sill didn't work like I hoped.

I have already started buying our curriculum for next year, as it helps to do so a little at a time instead of rushing in July!  (That only took me 9 years to do!)  As I was perusing one of the books that arrived the other day, I had a thought:  what if I just make a list of the lessons for each subject and then number my next planner to 180 days.  When we do a lesson, I will then write it into the planner (maybe even in ink! haha) and just mark through it on the list of lessons sheet with a highlighter.  That way, if we want to do a project for history one day and only get math and grammar done, I can just add what we do!  

Ingenious right???  !!!

I know, I know...there is some momma out there laughing at me right now and saying, "Well, hello Einstein, I've been doing it like that forever!"  But, you know, for us slow turtles, hey it's a new idea that may help us stay off medication for our obsessionism about our neat planners! (wink, wink)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Schooling in the Early Years

This coming Thursday night I will get to meet with my Homeschool Mommas Group again.  Our topic of conversation is teaching the early grades, K-2/3.

Since my guys are now in 10th and 7th, I am pretty removed from those days.  I have learned so much more about them and about me...about how we work together and what really matters.

I was thinking maybe I don't have much to offer these mommas since it has been so long.  But, quickly the Lord reminded me that this isn't about ME.  This is about me being willing to seek Him on behalf of others.  So, I began praying and thinking about what I would do differently if I could go back in time with my boys.

I thought about all the times we sat doing worksheets, while we could have been outside exploring creation and learning from it.  I thought about the times I pushed and they cried and then I cried.  I thought about the days we could have been building their imaginations through play and how I could have allowed them to learn about all the different things that enamored them.  I thought about how much I must have quenched their love of learning by trying to make our home look like a brick and mortar school classroom.  I thought about how I lived enslaved to my planner!

It grieves my heart.  A lot.

I thought about all the things we did that I loved and they loved...field trips, play dates, craft projects, cooking, movies, songs, games, lessons outside lying on the trampoline in the warm sun or on a blanket on the soft grass, and read-alouds with lots of snuggling. They still love read-aloud time!!!  Some of our closest bonding moments, most meaningful conversations and most life-impacting lessons came out of those times!  

As I was reading a book that our women's group at church is starting, this verse jumped out at me: Job 35:11...who teaches us more than he teaches the beasts of the earth and makes us wiser than the birds in the sky.

The Holy Spirit spoke to me, "Tell the moms that.  Study my world with their young ones and see what mysteries are to be unlocked.  I will capture their minds."

I just sat in awe for about a minute, thinking of how God really does speak to us about everything!

So mommas and daddies of young children, if I could do the early years over, I would:

*Think about and write down my long-term goals...what I really want my children to leave my home with at graduation.  I would keep those in my planner and read them any time I get concerned that I'm going to fail them or ruin them or think I'm not doing enough!

*Teach them through play as long as I could because all too soon, they will grow past that stage and you will miss it terribly.

*Get them outside and explore everything possible, allowing them TIME to fall in love with learning.

*Be more patient and not push my agenda.  I would seek God more than state standards.

*Follow their lead, watching for the natural interests and learning styles, truly "hearing" their hearts and opinions.

*Let the messes go more.  Do more crazy craft projects and experiments and never be too busy to listen, play, read, etc...

*Not make them cry over learning to read.  Relax.  It will happen when it clicks for them!

*Focus on training their hearts.  They need to be awed by the magnificence of God through His Word and His Creation so they can fall in love with Him.

*Teach them character above anything academic.  Be consistent to correct rebellion, rudeness, and disrespect. (Thankfully, we did do this and we are reaping precious fruit in our teens!  All glory to God!)

*End each day reading and cuddling with them.  No matter how stressful or bad a day may have been, once I started doing this, we all went to bed knowing we were family for better or worse and that we love each other.  It was a time to just relax and step away from everything a chaotic day could bring and refocus us on what matters most.  Even 10 minutes can make a tremendous difference in relationship!

I hope these thoughts can encourage someone out there.  None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.  Make sure every single day counts for the good.  You can never get these years back and in the whole grand scheme of life, what do you want your babies to look back and remember most?  

I can tell you as a momma who is releasing her first "baby bird" to drive and helping him look at colleges that what used to matter when he was in first grade is not very similar to what matters now, aside from the importance of a personal relationship with God and strong integrity.  

Keep your eyes earnestly focused on what truly is important and don't fall prey to the world's failing system!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Most Important Things

It was a bit better week with the two younger boys staying on top of their workload.  My goal is to get to the point where I am not having to remind them to do any of their responsibilities.  I'm still not quite sure how to do that though.  I'm still seeking the Lord on that.

I was looking back over their work for the year so far and that brought much encouragement.  It helps to see how the days and hours add up when you feel like more should be happening.

From the time our oldest started home learning in first grade, I have kept all of their work in binders for each year.  We all like looking back over what has been accomplished.

My favorite pieces are drawings and hand-written stories.  It's so, so sweet to have those little thoughts memorialized on paper!  It is amazing how they grow and change, and it's great for them to see how much they have learned!

A couple of years ago I gave them a 5-subject notebook and wrote on the front Character Journal.  I wanted to make sure that what they were spending their time on for copywork or to practice cursive writing was always relevant to their life.  This has become one of my favorite things.

I believe the Word that says the most important thing to get is wisdom.  I want their minds full of God's wisdom for life's circumstances, so they copy quotes and tidbits of great advice that I want them to remember forever.  I want them to be able to read this over and over and be built up in their integrity and walk as wise men who love God and love others.  

I don't like time-wasters.  I don't like endless workbook pages or reading textbooks that aren't living and interesting.  I love stories of real people, filled with the power of an awesome God, making a mark on their world.

I really seek now, after ten years of homeschooling, to make their daily lessons very practical for our ultimate goals.  I'll write more about what that looks like for us in the next post.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

How to Get Them to Get It Done?

I just finished grading all the schoolwork from last week.  

Can I just whine for a moment and say, "Uuuugh!"

Do any of you homeschooling parents out there ever feel like this???  Surely I am not alone!

I check over the boys' work daily as best I can, but these last few weeks have been filled with many appointments, car trouble, ice and snow...just stuff ya know?

Life happens.  I know this.  I am ten years into this schooling adventure.  I try to live by the motto, "Blessed are the flexible for they don't get bent out of shape."  Frustrated and fighting failure, however, I still find myself struggling some days not to be uptight about it all.

I can say that these days are fewer and further between.  I have learned that it isn't usually a huge big deal.  I used to totally freak out that I was completely ruining my kids!  By now, though, I have seen enough good fruit come out of each school year that I know they are doing okay.

The problem is I don't think I'm okay with okay.  I probably need to examine why.  Why does it grip me with anxiety, worry, and fear that they may not know a certain amount in grammar or math?  Do I fear other people and what they think?  Am I staying focused on what God has told me to do with them?

Honestly, one of the hardest things for me is the differences between my first-born, self-motivated, extremely-driven son and my two younger sons.

I don't at all wish the other two were just like their big brother.  Garrison is super-intense and it is hard for him to just relax, kick back, have fun, and be a kiddo.  Of course, I am thankful for his strong work ethic and commitment to excellence in responsibility.  It makes things much easier on me.  Alex and Trey are definitely more laid back, but it would help to see a little more drive in them that would also be helpful, especially since dad is out of town so much and it's just me trying to keep up with everything.  

I can definitely say Alex and Trey have greatly matured in this, their 7th year of homeschooling.  This year actually started off quite bumpy, but they quickly started working harder on their own.

I guess I just wish they would continue on and do better about daily chores and responsibilities without constant hounding.  I don't really have any creative ideas flowing about how to change that right now.  Maybe I can look up some tips today.

Let me know if you have some wisdom to pass along in this area.  We do great on the days I have nothing else going on, but how do you enforce responsibilities when you have to do other things???

Thursday, February 13, 2014


This past weekend I was blessed to go on a retreat with my Homeschool Momma's Group!  It was a delightful time.

Once per month, I get together with these ladies.  We take turns hosting the meetings, bringing snacks, and discussing different topics.  For example, last month, we met at a new momma's house and discussed schedules in the home.  Normally, someone shares a devotion, but that time, our leader, just asked us to share what the Holy Spirit has been laying on our hearts.  Being with these women each month is such an encouragement to me!

So off we went to our very nice cabin rental on a lake last weekend. Unfortunately, the renter did not give us a head's up about the steep hills covered by ice and snow.  We had some scary moments and some hilarious adventures as we had to park and walk up and down the hills a few times.  CRAZY!

We also laughed a lot and shared our testimonies.  We dropped our guards and shared personally and transparently.  We connected on a deeper level.  We gained more respect for one another.  We inspired one another.  We came away refreshed.

I pray for all the mommas out there who don't have a good support system.  I went through a couple seasons like that and they stunk for sure!  Sometimes it takes a while before God leads us to the right group of people.  Sometimes we watch our kids go through lonely times and it wrenches our hearts as mothers.

Hang in there mommas (and daddies who may homeschool full-time).  I am confident your diligence will pay off in the end.  Your children will be okay (probably better than ok :).

Remember to take time out for yourself.  Get away with a friend.  Always plan to go to a homeschool conference each year.  Listen to the speakers and be revived in why you started doing this in the first place!  Yes, it's hard.  Yes, it's exhausting some days.  But, YES, it is worth it!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why do we do it?

"To educate a man in mind and not in morals, is to educate a menace to society."
Theodore Roosevelt

I read this and I know we are doing what we are supposed to be doing!
We educate our sons not only for their minds but that their hearts are trained too! We want them to not just KNOW for the sake of knowledge, but be convicted in their hearts that, "To love the Lord their God with all their hearts, mind, soul, and strength and love their neighbors as themselves," is the most important thing.
Having raised sons with nice diplomas on the wall or large bank accounts would be nice, especially in today's society. These things are secondary to having raised men of integrity, passionate about following the Lord and His will for their lives. What Mindy has done is more than a sacrifice, it is a calling. I am so thankful God chose her to be my wife!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Weakness=His Strength

My favorite part of our homeschooling day is when we read aloud together. Sometimes I read. Sometimes they read. Sometimes we all take turns.
I like to get books on the Kindle that we can all download on our separate devices so we can follow along together.
Reading as a family just has a way of uniting us in a busy and often chaotic schedule. I love that the boys grab a blanket and still fight over who gets to lay by me while we read!
I love the discussions that spring out of our reading. Lively and funny, or serious and heart-wrenching, I get to hear the thoughts of my sons' minds.
I believe there is a moment nearly every single day that I stop and look at them and think, "God, thank you so much for allowing me to have spent so many precious moments with them."
I have no regrets and it is a blessed feeling. No regrets of not having a second income. No regrets of losing time for myself. No regrets of a corporate career.
I KNOW that I am doing exactly what God has called ME to do at this time, and I thank Him so much for anointing me to do it, even when I feel like I'm failing.
In my weakness, He is strong.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

So Studious

My little cutie working on some Apologia General Science!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Getting Back in Gear

Well, it's almost here! School will be back in session starting Monday.
I've been sick for the last week, and I have to admit that at I am not ready to start up again yet. I think I am ready for some normal routine, but for the whole daily grind? Nahhh
It's okay. We have been doing this for ten years now, and I am well aquainted with the after-Christmas blah. We've been sleeping in and eating junkier...
Then comes January.
January is the time for fresh beginnings. The time for goals and dreams. The time for evaluation and tweaking.
Whenever I feel myself less than motivated in an area, I make a purposeful choice to build myself up in that area. Whether it's marriage, my walk with Jesus, exercising, consistent parenting, or homeschooling, I choose to act! I read books or blogs, watch or listen to teaching, or chat with a friend and get excited again!
I was definitely feeling it this weekend and knew I had to do something so I read a book about simplifying our homeschool hours. A lot of the suggestions I had heard before, but some are new. Overall, it reminded me why we are doing this and that I need to relax more.
You would think after ten years this would be old hat to me, but I still face challenges and lulls and question whether I'm failing at this.
I want the worry to be gone. I want to trust that God will fully lead me in exactly what to do for each child. It's like I can't quite let go and ease up on their day!
I'm still praying about what to do differently. It's so easy to just get stuck on the hamster wheel and live each day checking off the to-do box. That can't be all we are created for. We must find our passion to learn what we are meant to study!

Friday, January 3, 2014


Welcome to my new blog about our journey in home learning!  Please be patient as things are under construction :)